The research and development projects within the PPGEC were also reorganized between 2018 and 2019. Such projects support the production of knowledge of the program (both bibliographic and technical) and its approach to society. Thus, currently there are 11 macroprojects, 8 for research and 3 for extension (of these, two for research and extension) divided between the three lines of research, namely:


  • Interdisciplinary Relations in Science and Mathematics Teaching (Research)

Several authors have discussed Interdisciplinarity as a counterpoint to the fragmentation of school subjects, mainly those who research curricular theories and pedagogical epistemologies. New ways of organizing knowledge or a new system for its production and diffusion are urgent, especially during the educational formation process of individuals. Thus, the objective of this project is to develop strategies, didactic resources, and innovative methodology from the pedagogical point of view related to Science Education for basic schooling, preferably public schools, with an interdisciplinary foundation. Such productions will be valid as a target audience and the impact of such actions will be measured.

  • Teaching: Identity, practices and the teaching profession (Research)

The teacher's identity is the result of a complex social construction process that can be described in a particular way of feeling like a teacher, while making sense to his/her daily practice. The concern regarding the teacher's professional identity and the nature of the teaching work has been the subject of numerous studies in recent decades. This project aims at investigating the teacher's identity construction process, especially those who work in the Baixada Fluminense, their sense of belonging and resilience in the schooling context, and their main epistemological obstacles. Thus, intervention actions can be proposed considering that identity is not static and immutable; but rather built from the social significance of the profession.

  • Teaching-learning process in Science and Mathematics (Research)

Contemporaneity brings other dimensions to teaching, where knowledge must be able to combine synergistically the conceptual dimension of learning with the formative, cultural and socioemotional dimension. The teaching of scientific disciplines has specific consequences on various curricular elements. Therefore, the focus is increasingly on the convergence and diversity of teaching methodologies, the instrumental role of curricular content and the action of students in their learning process. This project provides for the analysis and construction of didactic-pedagogical strategies chosen by the teacher, to stimulate autonomy, the search for information and even the production of knowledge, through access to new technologies or students work groups, stimulating learning by confronting individual positions and peer cooperation.

  • Mathematics Education: learnings and practices (Research)

The project aims to establish a network of researchers, where teachers place themselves as authors of their own practice in partnership with the Municipal Education Department of Duque de Caxias. The project aims addresses the teaching of mathematics from the perspective of building specific continuing educational projects for teachers of the public elementary school network, as well as promoting collaborative research that can contribute to the training and practice of teachers.


  • Distance Education and Media in Science Education (Research)

This research line considers that, time and space in the classroom should be more flexible and that the teacher should act in a less informative and more managerial way, using the possibilities that interactive technologies provide. There is an increasing possibility that we are all present in many different times and spaces. Thus, both teachers and students can be motivated, if they understand “class” as research and exchange. The creation of virtual environments, and the use of different media in education create an additional challenge, which involves learning how to manage the learning process with students connected via the Internet, both in classroom and distance education. This project has as main focus the proposal to revise the organizational processes, to make their curricula, methods and instruments more flexible so that it is possible for the school community to adapt to new situations, enabling teachers and students to manage learning with telematic technologies.

  • Production of teaching materials for science and mathematics (research)

This project investigates the importance of the production of didactic material in the professional development of the teacher and in his practice, as well as the impact on the educational environment.

  • Digital Technologies and Didactic Resources in Science and Mathematics Teaching (Research)

The insertion of technological tools in the classroom predisposes transformations in the educational environment, especially when they are based on methodologies grounded on dialogue rather than a unidirectional focus. Coexistence in the hyper-connection multimodal hybrid spaces causes changes in the ways of interacting, representing thought, expressing emotions, producing and sharing information and knowledge, as well as providing new elements for learning. From the contextual analysis, the project foresees the creation of active methodologies for the production of knowledge, contexts and cultures, everyday events and knowledge of different natures, permeated by digital information and communication technologies. The exploration of these characteristics and brands demands to reconsider the curriculum and the methodologies that place the student at the center of the educational process and focus on active learning by opening spatial and temporal limits of the classroom and formal spaces of education integrating them.


  • Scientific dissemination: science within the reach of the school (Research and Extension)

In addition to an online portfolio, it is necessary to invest heavily in digital media to disseminate information. The present project intends to integrate analog and digital devices to provide academic-scientific information produced by researchers, professors and students of UNIGRANRIO in online audiovisual format for the lay and non-lay public. It is comprised of an applied research that will address the characterization and the use of different media and non-formal spaces of the University, the mapping of academic-scientific actions developed at UNIGRANRIO, to script and produce interviews with researchers, teachers and students involved in research projects, in addition to assessing the impact on the affected lay public. Thus, we intend to promote an important dissemination tool, unrestricted access to content and information about science, its nature and its knowledge production routine, in addition to evaluating the process of popularizing science during the initial and continuing education of science teachers.

  • Contemporary teacher education (Research and Extension)

The objective of this project is to identify, analyze and propose initial and continuous teacher-training actions in their dimensions, in a permanent and updated way. Teacher education will encompass spaces for speech, reflection and the renewal of knowledge. Therefore, teachers will be able to renew themselves, renew their practices, re-signify their repertoires in their classroom, based on actions that awaken them. Based on actions involving university-museum-school, this project focuses on the analysis of the impact of strategies on the formation of reflective teachers/mediators to act in educational situations within partnerships involving schools, science museums and the university.

  • Social relations, diversity, inclusion and the impact on the educational process (Research)

The relationship between inequalities and diversity has occupied a more prominent place in the contemporary debate. Thus, the objective of this project is to offer subsidies to teachers to assist them in conducting their inclusive pedagogical practice, giving new meaning to the thinking and acting of the teacher and the students, in the context of the teaching and learning process, leading them to practice action-reflection-action.

  • Intertwining the school (Extension)

The main objective is to carry out concrete actions in order to bring University and School closer together. The actions include workshops, short courses, and roundtables for scientific dissemination, application of educational products and summer courses, all with an interdisciplinary approach.

The macro project “Intertwining the school” guided PPGEC's extension actions in 2018 and in 2019 with participation of all teachers and students of the program. Its central objective was the realization of concrete activities of approximation between University and School, such as Workshops, Minicourses, Workshops, Conversation rounds for scientific dissemination and Dissemination of Educational Products, with an interdisciplinary approach in schools in the Baixada Fluminense involving the school community. The first schools to participate were the José de Souza Herdy State School, located in the center of Duque de Caxias and the CIEP Brizolão Municipalizado 120 Monteiro Lobato, located in Vila Santa Cruz, on the outskirts of Duque de Caxias. These schools started to be “adopted” by the program with a close flow of communication. Support was offered, to teachers and management, throughout the pedagogical year, in addition to the actions provided for in the project. PPGEC professors, in partnership with their respective students, guide students of Junior Scientific Initiation (Scientific Initiation Program - Young Talents - for High School) sponsored by CNPq grants (PIBIC-EM), in both schools.


  • O Ensino de Ciências: representações, contextos e sujeitos

Leader name: Andréa Velloso da Silveira Praça

  • Formação Continuada de Professores de Ciências

Leader name: Giselle Faur de Castro Catarino

  • Ensino e Aprendizagem de Ciências e Matemática na Educação Básica

Leader name: Eline das Flores Victer

  • Grupo de Pesquisa em Matemática Discreta e Computacional

Leader name: Abel Rodolfo Garcia Lozano

  • Grupo de Pesquisa Multicêntrico: o ensino de Ciências e as suas aplicações

Leader name: Giseli Capaci Rodrigues